
Dear Larry & Laurie,

We can not express our gratitude enough for your kindness in working with us to help our son’s beloved pet. After losing one of my own dogs to this horrible problem, it devastated me to hear of little Freckles coming down with the same issue. I knew my son would never give up on her and I am thankful that he did not. Freckles is happier than ever to be out and running around again. She always had a love for being outdoors and she loved chasing the squirrels up a tree. Freckles is a very happy dog again and the smile on my son’s face is worth it all. Thank you for putting a smile on all of our faces once again. The cart is working out fantastic!

Much love,

Lisa, Brandon and Freckles
San Antonio, Texas

One Happy Dachshund!

One Happy Dachshund!